Return Policy

(a) Return

If any items you purchased fail to meet your expectation, including defective, damaged, not as described, you can return them for a refund.

To be eligible for returns, please confirm that:

-Items to be returned remain unused, undamaged, unwashed, and in original packing with original label

-You will pay for return shipping. For quality related returns, return shipping cost is refundable. Items not meeting the above criteria will be considered ineligible for a return.

Customers have 30 days from the date of receive to change your mind and return the items without explaining the reason and Flory Kick has to issue a refund. You can request a return by contacting us at [email protected]. After receiving the return item, Flory Kick has to issue a refund back to customers’ account. Customers will only be charged once at most for shipping costs (this includes returns); No-restocking to be charged to the consumers for the return of the product.

(b) Damaged Products

Any items damaged on arrival can be returned to Flory Kick for a full refund. Please note that if damage is only limited to the packing outside and the contents remain intact, products will not be considered damaged.

For further information on return authorization, please contact us at [email protected]

(c) Return address

If you want to return your products, please contact us at [email protected]

(d) Refund

We will do refund once we’ve received the item you’ve returned.

The refund will be returned in 7 business days after receiving your returns and after verification, please check your account.

There might be a little bit delay for your fund return request due to that we usually handle it in twice a week. Any question please contact us at [email protected], we will reply you as soon as possible.

(e) Cancellation

You can cancel your order before your item is shipped. Please contact us at [email protected] when you want to cancel your order.